talk with rhythm...

watch the keys that place a life before your tune....its about you to come and walk with rhythm...
loving a blue and ceremonial sky which captures a watchful eye up there...clouds mean far more when you dig their beginning...scoop their love........its in you........

i just want you to see....that they mean something about you and

the fall which they present forgoes a rain just telling in the heads of our trees....let me lie then bare my soul...honesty begins to grow

folding my big lifting ideas.....they float and rest when they have the love to distract works in and i fall from the tallest branch with the expression that plants more than me......

the world can have me but it cant have the both of us...we happened to grow and live amongst all the weeds which seemed to tangle're rhythm is there and deep....its beating me........

i blink in uneven time when beats beneath my chest score before me..........its forced from your smile and bat from  the way your eyes walk to me...........the light beneath is heavy..something within...your sun meets me and  sets...


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