i break....

 A dark tunnel in....a dark tunnel out..

Grim vision of broken landscapes just crave a new beginning.......one where we all fit in..........luck of this is less than good...

Life has become....a waltz with death's border, nothing more...obvious....it may seem...but we all pinched the sky in wanting....claiming control...

Our tongues touch the veins of trees and sip syrup, bloody with remorse

A tasteful god would guide, but when questions mount him, he thins and licks fragile skin....begging for salt, earth, or worse..........temptation....

Eyes burn while steeples sear gentle and un-wanting skies......will you bury me?  Is this true fear?

The love for vision has me starry eyed and blending rays.....I cant complete these moments and continue to grip...stars, moon, sun, and tears...which fold when I call out to them...where am I, who do I love, what is next.......curtains call the dark........a blanket........sending my day away...........goodbye.


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