lost and found
faces change as much as seasons,
when rooted connections reverse course
and a turn of leaf floats forth, twisting in time, seconds, minutes and wondering eyes
each blink flips down to over, to a side burdened with wet soil...decay, toil
pulsing through veins, once living and wavering through breeze
into stem, into branchanchoring to tree
threading through borders of bark
devoured by sky yet nourished by groundwater as it searches
barricades exist
so what.....flow, vibe, pulse
begin your own rhythm...embody what you're told impossible
frail from weary seasons of these deeper hours weakens the body and stretches the soul eyes at will and at first and at long stare strings----brings together strength and the 'to come next'
bring your mind back to root.......and become........the force of next
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