set me....settle me....

as i walked with sun begging me back, a heart, etched in bleeding concrete beat across my vision

i stepped aside and away, for fear a foot, might break...this heart of mine, in half, as it tears from sleeves edge...

after night falls and soaks into ground, a day will soon break....but time doesn't care

as the drenched darkness leaches into soil, a path weaves itself around resistance and a cause is called from the turmoil

seeds willing to stop...painful saturation...

the nights of dead, awaken and topple our dreams, check us in, and serialize our heads

the dance we waltz walks away from patterns...just draw and we will cross each and every wall of them...

coaching with deceit..delve into the front or back seat....matter of fact will happen

when she stole the precious in me i thought i showed too much faith

i fake an existence along a leaf which has fallen, whereas, the trees had my heart...breaking to leave..clip off, float in some other day....


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