there and not

grace given in glance, back step behind the stage's face...i gawked and gazed, bleeding with romance...this curtain closes yet remains agape...eyes stare inside, im peeking through a thin filter. this is where i awake and, all the light that seeps through windows opening my life....

the sun was one of us in a sky that we knew at one time....

i broke the scales, balancing the weight of my outside decisions and tipped temptation into nothingness..

i felt the weight weigh in on our balance.. it teetered over our line...barely breathing over the top and sticking between metered teeth..

I awoke to a dream bigger and below my humble starry eyed buzzy breeze....

she danced..and crossed my problems...with subtracting math, erase and negate....screams of anguish pass each test...

I saw an angel float with ease and tickle death, flat...force my face, share my grin.....ahead of time...

we are deepening well, into the unknown, a life, a fantasy, shallows should feel welcome.....

break, bust, and bear no shred and tear forward.....

fill me with words, bleed me again....start and finish me...over and over then my feet and float my freedom into the heavens....

i love how you picked me less.....


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